May 02, 2006
January 28, 2006
Is anyone there...
Is anyone still bothering to check this. I feel like if you don't make a post on a blog for 3 weeks or more... it's considered dead in the ground.
Nonetheless, we're moving house over to So check over there for any new work, and possibly a few more creators dueling.
December 28, 2005
December 21, 2005
xMas update
A hoy,
Well it's been another poor month of production here at CvG. I blame most of it on Greg's "job."... and the holidays... and the snow... and... well, mostly on the job!
We're going to aim to re-launch in January, with some new ideas, and hopefully those ideas will be good! if not grood!
Stay tuned. Or rather, tune back in sometime in January.
Colin & Greg
December 07, 2005
November 30, 2005
November 28, 2005
Nov 28. C v G news update!
Hello to our single reader left...
Greg and I have been a little busy lately, but we got together the other night to plan out further escapades of C v G. We're going to try to start fresh, and a little more organized, and hopefully with more live improv duel sessions!
December we will be testing out a new system of working, and hopefully by the new year we'll have at least 2 strips a week for you, and hopefully a re-designed website as well.
For now here's what we jammed on the other night. Plus some other stuff which Greg will link to later today.

November 06, 2005
November 01, 2005
October 28, 2005
Opening up the courts...
Hello dear reader,
My old and deer friend Greg is missing in action! I haven't heard from him for at least a couple days... possibly more! The last he said to me about the comics tennis was "...uh... I dunno... we'll see...sometingsomethingsomething... what... five bucks?—i'm gonna f--" It seems he is still "down for the count" as they say in Hollywood lingo.
So, Mr. Wagon suggested that we open up the game of Comics Tennis to anyone out there in inter-web land. Email a comic serve to comicstennis / gmail / com
We try to keep each drawing for a serve under an hour, (though I have been breaking that rule frequently of late to play with a new tablet).